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Arizona Advanced Dental

Dentists & Cosmetic Dentists located in Mesa, AZ

Invisalign® continues its reign at the forefront of modern orthodontic treatments and has helped countless patients perfect their smiles. Because Invisalign is known for being entirely successful, leading dentists Donald Clifford, DDS, and Casey Cutler, DDS, provide customized teeth straightening treatment plans at Arizona Advanced Dental in Mesa, Arizona. Find out if Invisalign is right for you by booking an evaluation online or by calling the clinic to schedule.

Invisalign Q & A

How does the Invisalign treatment plan work?

Invisalign is centered on cutting-edge technology to shift your teeth into proper alignment. Using high-definition 3D imaging, the Invisalign platform gathers images of your teeth and maps out how they’re expected to shift over the following months.

The system creates sets of clear, nearly invisible aligners that you slip over your teeth and wear about 20-22 hours per day. Every week or two, you switch to the next set of aligners in your package.

Each set of Invisalign aligners continues to push and pull your teeth into proper alignment, meaning you should notice gradual improvements with each passing week. Your dentist may even apply SmartForce® tooth-colored attachments to your teeth, which are tiny bumps that help anchor your aligners in place for an entirely snug fit. 

What can Invisalign treat?

Invisalign’s near-invisibility when you’re wearing your “braces” is but one of the system’s standout features. You can also easily slip your aligners off to eat, brush, and floss for a unique and comfortable orthodontic experience. This revolutionary teeth straightening treatment can correct any of the following issues (among others):

  • Misalignment issues
  • Crooked teeth
  • Small gaps

Invisalign technology has advanced so much over the years, treatment plans can even resolve issues with overbite, underbite, or crossbite, to perfect your bite. Arizona Advanced Dental is dedicated to ensuring your Invisalign treatment plan is a success. 

How long does Invisalign take?

Even though you should start noticing an improvement in your bite and smile with each passing week, it can take several months for you to notice a more dramatic difference. Dr. Clifford and Dr. Cutler often find that, on average, Invisalign treatment plans take about 12-18 months.

Once your Invisalign treatment is complete, Dr. Clifford or Dr. Cutler can get you fitted for clear retainers, which you should wear for several hours each day. These retainers help keep your teeth in proper alignment as bone and gum tissue continue building up over the years.

Book your Invisalign consultation at Arizona Advanced Dental by clicking on the online scheduler. You can also call the office to speak with a team member directly.